Dec. 6, 2019
Whether you are a traditional lender, like a bank, or you have a judgment or need to collect money owed, our law firm can help you enforce your rights to payment of a debt.
Read MoreDec. 6, 2019
A citation to discover assets is a tool utilized by a judgment creditor to discover and recover assets of a judgment debtor.
Read MoreDec. 6, 2019
An emotional support animal is not a “service animal”. Unlike a service animal under the ADA, an emotional support animal has undergone no special training, and assists its owner by its mere presence - by relaxing the owner, relieving depression or stress, or offering a sense of safety or wellbeing.
Read MoreAug. 14, 2019
A non-wage garnishment is the creditor’s attachment, post-judgment, of the judgment debtor’s property, other than wages, which is in the possession, custody or control of third parties.
Read MoreAug. 14, 2019
Illinois, like every other state, has its own statute of limitations on how long a judgment can last. If a judgment was entered against you in Illinois, it lasts for seven years from the date of entry. Once the seven-year date hits, the creditor must file a motion to "revive" the judgment.
Read MoreJuly 18, 2019
The procedure for filing a replevin begins with the plaintiff filing a complaint and subsequently making a motion requesting that the court enter an order for replevin by identifying the goods or chattels at issue.
Read MoreJuly 2, 2019
If you have someone that owes you money and that person has fallen behind on payment, it is time to consider hiring a debt collection attorney. Here is why:
Read MoreJuly 2, 2019
If you run a small business, it is inevitable that you will eventually run into a client or customer who owes you money. Often, this is one of the most dreaded duties of any business owner.
Read MoreJuly 2, 2019
Pick a name. The name needs to be recognizably different from the names of other business already on file with the Secretary of State.
Read MoreMay 27, 2019
Credit sales, unlike cash sales, are accompanied with the burden of not only the risk of incurring bad debt expenses, but also the collection of debt and maintaining debtors' records.
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